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Myanmar's deadly spiral: One year after coup, can civil war be avoided?

Is there no stopping all-out civil war in Myanmar? On the first anniversary of the coup that ended p ...View More

Activists stage ‘silent strike’ as Myanmar marks coup anniversary under fresh sanctions

Myanmar's junta marked one year in power on Tuesday despite fresh foreign sanctions as demonstrators ...View More

French firm TotalEnergies withdrawing from Myanmar over 'worsening' human rights • FRANCE 24

French oil giant TotalEnergies on Friday said it would withdraw from Myanmar over "worsening" human  ...View More

Afghanistan: Taliban set their sights on drug addicts • FRANCE 24 English

Afghanistan is the world's top producer of opium and the illegal drug trade has helped finance the r ...View More

Aung San Suu Kyi, una líder aclamada y cuestionada en Myanmar

La derrocada líder de Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi, fue condenada a cuatro años de cárcel que se suman  ...View More

Myanmar court sentences ousted leader Suu Kyi to four more years in prison • FRANCE 24 English

A Myanmar junta court on Monday (January 10) convicted Aung San Suu Kyi of three criminal charges, s ...View More

Save the Children confirms two staff members among dead in Myanmar massacre • FRANCE 24 English

Save the Children confirmed on Tuesday that two of its staff were killed in a Christmas Eve massacre ...View More

Myanmar conflict: UN official 'deeply concerned' by escalating violence • FRANCE 24 English

The new United Nations special envoy to Myanmar on December 27 said she was "deeply concerned" by es ...View More

Myanmar: The rebel nurses treating Covid-19 in secret • FRANCE 24 English

Using limited supplies smuggled past army checkpoints, a handful of nurses in Myanmar are working in ...View More

Save the Children says two staff missing after burnt remains found in Myanmar • FRANCE 24 English

NGO Save the Children says two of its staff are missing after burnt remains were found in Kayah stat ...View More

NGO Save the Children says two Myanmar staff ‘missing’ after burnt remains found • FRANCE 24

Save the Children said two of its Myanmar staff were missing on Saturday after the charred remains o ...View More

The World This Year: Vaccines and variants, Biden’s battles, Myanmar coup, Ethiopia civil war

2021 began with the promise of vaccines to the rescue. But as one variant begets another, rich natio ...View More

Myanmar under pressure: More than 10,000 people arrested since February coup • FRANCE 24 English

Myanmar's ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi has been sentenced to jail for inciting unrest and breachin ...View More

Aung San Suu Kyi’s jail sentence halved to two years by Myanmar junta chief • FRANCE 24 English

Myanmar's deposed leader Aung San #SuuKyi has had her sentence reduced from four years to two after  ...View More

Point of no return? Myanmar after the sentencing of Aung San Suu Kyi

Will the sentencing of Aung San Suu Kyi discourage dissent or further galvanise the ten-month old re ...View More

Crisis política y social en Myanmar se eleva con la condena de Aung San Suu Kyi

El estado de caos político, social y económico que se desató en Myanmar a partir del golpe de Estado ...View More

Myanmar's junta chief halves Suu Kyi jail term to two years • FRANCE 24 English

Myanmar's #junta chief reduced the jail sentence of ousted leader Aung San #SuuKyi to two years on M ...View More

UN slams 'politically-motivated' Suu Kyi conviction in Myanmar • FRANCE 24 English

The UN rights chief on Monday slammed the #Myanmar junta over the conviction and sentencing of ouste ...View More

Myanmar's ousted Suu Kyi jailed for four years, critics scorn junta • FRANCE 24 English

A court in #military-ruled #Myanmar jailed deposed leader Aung San #SuuKyi for four years on Monday  ...View More

Myanmar court initially sentences ousted leader Suu Kyi to four years in prison • FRANCE 24

A Myanmar court initially sentenced ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi to four years in prison. Subscrib ...View More

Myanmar court delays first verdicts in Aung San Suu Kyi trial • FRANCE 24 English

A #Myanmar #junta court on Tuesday postponed giving a verdict in the incitement trial of deposed civ ...View More

« Myanmar Witness », la nécessité d’authentifier les images de Birmanie • FRANCE 24

Depuis le coup d'Etat du 1er février 2021, des manifestants dénoncent les violations des droits de l ...View More

Myanmar Witness: organization collects social media content to document human rights concerns

Nine months after the military coup in the country, this team of investigators work together with My ...View More

Myanmar Witness, el proyecto que verifica imágenes de violaciones a Derechos Humanos de birmanos

Nueve meses después del golpe de Estado en Myanmar, miles de fotos y videos han aparecido en las red ...View More

US journalist freed from Myanmar jail says he thought ordeal would never end • FRANCE 24 English

An American #journalist jailed for six months by #Myanmar's military rulers said after his shock rel ...View More

Periodista estadounidense condenado a 11 años de cárcel en Myanmar quedó en libertad

Se concretó la puesta en libertad del periodista estadounidense Danny Fenster, quien permanecía pres ...View More

Verifying videos of human rights concerns in Myanmar, and digitally preserving art in Hong Kong

A weekly news show produced with photos, #videos and personal accounts from FRANCE 24 #Observers aro ...View More

Myanmar frees US journalist Fenster after negotiations with ex-US diplomat • FRANCE 24 English

American #journalist #DannyFenster was released from prison on Monday in #Myanmar and has left the c ...View More

US journalist Fenster detained in Myanmar jailed for 11 years • FRANCE 24 English

A Myanmar junta court on Friday sentenced an American journalist to 11 years in prison on charges of ...View More

Myanmar coup: Former leader Suu Kyi to testify in court • FRANCE 24 English

SuuKyi is under detention and is being tried on several charges, including an allegation that she il ...View More

Myanmar - Suu Kyi trial: Former leader due to give evidence at her trial • FRANCE 24 English

SuuKyi is under detention and is being tried on several charges, including an allegation that she il ...View More

Myanmar junta rules out talks with dissidents, including Suu Kyi's ousted government • FRANCE 24

Myanmar's junta on Saturday said it would not engage in talks with coup dissidents, including member ...View More

Human rights catastrophe feared in Myanmar as troops mass in restive regions • FRANCE 24 English

The UN said Friday it feared an even greater human rights catastrophe in Myanmar amid reports of tho ...View More

Naciones Unidas teme una catástrofe de derechos humanos en Myanmar

La ONU dijo el viernes que temía una catástrofe de derechos humanos aún mayor en Myanmar, esto en me ...View More

Human rights catastrophe feared in Myanmar as troops mass in restive regions • FRANCE 24 English

The UN said Friday it feared an even greater human rights catastrophe in Myanmar amid reports of tho ...View More

Myanmar, a seis meses del golpe de Estado

En todo Myanmar, pequeños grupos de manifestantes marcharon el domingo, seis meses después de que lo ...View More

Six months after coup, Myanmar's military ruler promises elections by August 2023 • FRANCE 24

Myanmar's military ruler Min Aung Hlaing on Sunday again promised new multi-party elections and said ...View More

Myanmar struggles to contain coranavirus amid post-coup chaos • FRANCE 24 English

Myanmar has been in #turmoil since the military took power in February, with a resurgent #virus wave ...View More

Death rates soar in Myanmar as virus spreads in an atmosphere of military tension • FRANCE 24

In #Myanmar, the #coronavirus crisis had not gotten much attention in the aftermath of February's se ...View More

UN assembly condemns Myanmar coup, calls for arms embargo

The #UN General Assembly on Friday condemned #Myanmar's military coup and called for an arm embargo  ...View More

UN General Assembly calls for halt of weapons to Myanmar

The United Nations General Assembly on Friday called for a stop to the flow of arms to Myanmar and u ...View More

UN General Assembly resolution calls for end to arms sales to Myanmar

A UN General Assembly resolution called for an end to arms sales to Myanmar. FRANCE 24's Jessica Le  ...View More

Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi goes on trial

The #trial of deposed #Myanmar #leader Aung San Suu Kyi got under way Monday, more than four months  ...View More

La ONU califica la situación de represión en Myanmar como un "desastre para los DD. HH."

En su represión, las fuerzas de seguridad han matado al menos a 860 personas desde el alzamiento mil ...View More

Welcome to the jungle: Myanmar's rebels teach combat skills to coup protesters

Four months after #Myanmar's #military ousted civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi and unleashed a bruta ...View More

In Myanmar, students and teachers boycott first day of school

Schools in #Myanmar open on Tuesday for the first time since the military seized power, but teachers ...View More

School's out for Myanmar students defying junta threats

Schools in #Myanmar will open on Tuesday for the first time since the #military seized power, but te ...View More

Myanmar coup: Japanese journalist freed earlier this month after April arrest

Japanese reporter Yuki #Kitazumi was detained by authorities in #Myanmar in April until being freed  ...View More

Myanmar’s Aung San Suu Kyi NLD party to ‘exist as long people exist’ her lawyer says

Myanmar's ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi appeared in court in person for the first time today since  ...View More

Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi makes first in-person court appearance since military coup

Myanmar's ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi appeared in court in person for the first time today since  ...View More

Myanmar's Suu Kyi makes first in-person court appearance since coup

Myanmar's deposed leader Aung San Suu Kyi appeared in person at a court hearing on Monday for the fi ...View More

Myanmar marks 100 days of junta rule with protests

Protesters rallied in towns and cities around #Myanmar on Tuesday to denounce its military rulers, # ...View More

Myanmar coup: 100 days of protests, crackdowns and economic turmoil

Myanmar's military seized power on February 1, ousting the civilian government and arresting its lea ...View More

Myanmar's anti-junta unity government forms 'people's defence force'

Myanmar's National Unity Government (NUG), set up by #opponents of army rule, said on Wednesday it h ...View More

Myanmar's anti-junta unity government says forming defence force

Myanmar's National Unity Government, set up by opponents of #army rule, said on Wednesday it had for ...View More

Myanmar crackdown: Junta announces ban on satellite TV as security threat

Myanmar's #junta-controlled media announced a #ban on satellite television receivers on Tuesday, say ...View More

UN ground team “increasingly concerned" about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Myanmar

The #UN team on the ground in #Myanmar said it is “increasingly concerned about the deteriorating hu ...View More

La vuelta al mundo: postura de China, Rusia y EE. UU. frente al golpe de Estado en Myanmar

El golpe de Estado en Myanmar ha generado reacciones desde diferentes puntos del mundo. Para China s ...View More

New spiral of violence in Myanmar | Reporters • FRANCE 24 English

On February 1, a military coup plunged #Myanmar into a new spiral of #violence, with the junta respo ...View More

Fernando Pedrosa: "La junta militar en Myanmar está consolidada, no hay lugar para optimismo"

En Myanmar, la Junta militar se retractó de su compromiso para frenar la violencia contra la poblaci ...View More

Myanmar coup: Unity government tells ASEAN no talks until prisoners freed

The pro democracy unity government in Myanmar which includes members of Aung San #Su Kyi's party, sa ...View More

Guerrillas capture Myanmar military base: reports

In Myanmar, an ethic armed group says it has captured an army base on the eastern border with Thaila ...View More

Myanmar rebel group says has captured military base near Thai border

A prominent ethnic rebel group attacked and captured a military base in eastern Myanmar near the Tha ...View More

En Cumbre de ASEAN junta militar de Myanmar se comprometió a cesar la represión

Los líderes del Sudeste asiático lograron pactar un acuerdo con el jefe de la junta militar golpista ...View More

ASEAN leaders reach consensus to end Myanmar crisis, demand junta end killings

Southeast Asian leaders said they had agreed on a plan with Myanmar's junta chief on Saturday to end ...View More

Desertores de la policía de Myanmar buscan asilo en India

Miles de personas que huyen de la violencia en Myanmar han cruzado al vecino estado de Mizoram, en e ...View More

Myanmar unrest: Ethnic groups unite in fight against army, join unity govt

In #Myanmar, the protest movement advanced on the political front with its declaration of the Nation ...View More

PPN World News Headlines - 18 Apr 2021 | Myanmar Coup | Navalny's Health | Salvini Charged | Covid

Perpetual Pixel News 00:06 - Myanmar junta pardons more than 23000 prisoners (France 24 ...

Myanmar junta pardons more than 23,000 prisoners, unclear if activists included

Myanmar's junta on Saturday announced it pardoned and released more than 23000 prisoners to mark the ...View More

Myanmar: ciudadanos celebran la creación de gobierno prodemocracia

En Myanmar, siguen las manifestaciones tras más de dos meses del golpe de Estado. Miles de birmanos  ...View More

Myanmar's ousted MPs form shadow government

A "parliament" working in hiding to oust #Myanmar's junta from power announced a new #shadowGovernme ...View More

Myanmar economic capital ‘Yangon has become a warzone’, exiled student activist says

FRANCE 24 joined a Burmese student activist who has fled Yangon, as Myanmar's military junta continu ...View More

Myanmar's Suu Kyi asks to meet with lawyers as she faces new criminal charge

Myanmar's ousted civilian leader Aung San #SuuKyi was hit with a fresh criminal charge during a cour ...View More

Myanmar's post-coup civilian death toll climbs past 700

A security guard was wounded in a bomb blast outside a #military-owned bank in #Myanmar's second-big ...View More

Myanmar unrest: Aung San Suu Kyi set to make fresh court appearance

The leader of #Myanmar's ousted government, Aung San #SuuKyi, asked a court on Monday to be allowed  ...View More

Scores killed in one day in Myanmar crackdown on protesters, reports say Source-#FRANCE 24 English

Source-#FRANCE 24 English Scores killed in one day in Myanmar crackdown on protesters, reports say S ...View More

Scores killed in one day in Myanmar crackdown on protesters, reports say

At least 82 people were killed in one day in a crackdown by Myanmar security forces on pro-democracy ...View More

Myanmar: ONG denunció que fuerzas de seguridad asesinaron a más de 80 personas

En Myanmar, una ONG denunció que las fuerzas de seguridad mataron a más de 80 manifestantes prodemoc ...View More

Myanmar's UN envoy urges 'strong action' against junta as crackdown continues

Reports emerged Saturday of more than 80 killed in the latest bloodletting by Myanmar's military, as ...View More

Myanmar post-coup crackdown: 'We're heading towards a civil war'

Myanmar's military junta's deadly crackdown on protesters continues with reports emerging Saturday o ...View More

UN special envoy to step up Myanmar diplomatic effort as death toll surpasses 600

The UN's special envoy for Myanmar is to embark on an Asian tour to step up diplomatic efforts to ta ...View More

Myanmar junta says protests against its rule are 'dwindling'

Myanmar's #military junta said on Friday that a #protest campaign against its rule was dwindling sin ...View More

Analysis: Myanmar junta shows 'no intention' of return to civilian rule

Daily protests demanding a return of democracy have rocked #Myanmar and brought a brutal response fr ...View More

London: questions over Myanmar ambassador's stance on human rights

Diplomats loyal to the #Myanmar military authorities seized control of the country's #London embassy ...View More

Myanmar's UK ambassador 'locked out' of embassy in London

Myanmar's ambassador to London told Reuters he was locked out of the embassy on Wednesday, and sourc ...View More

Myanmar's UK ambassador 'locked out' of embassy in London

Myanmar's ambassador to London told Reuters he was locked out of the embassy on Wednesday, and sourc ...View More

Myanmar police deserters seek asylum in India

Thousands of people fleeing violence in Myanmar have crossed into neighbouring India's north-eastern ...View More

Myanmar protestors paint towns red as Russia warns EU against further sanctions

In #Myanmar, at least five more people were killed in anti-coup protests, bringing the death toll to ...View More

Josep Borrell: "Rusia está apoyando el golpe de Estado en Myanmar"

Josep Borrell, el hombre encargado de la política exterior de la Unión Europea, exministro de Asunto ...View More

Myanmar junta charges celebrities with promoting protests

Myanmar's ruling #junta stepped up its campaign against #celebrities who support nationwide #protest ...View More

Myanmar protesters defy military as regional nations prepare to discuss crisis

Demonstrators in #Myanmar held #protests demanding the restoration of Aung San Suu Kyi's government  ...View More

Ten Myanmar rebel groups back anti-coup protests, condemn junta crackdown

Ten of Myanmar's major rebel groups threw their support behind the country's anti-coup movement Satu ...View More

Myanmar: nueva jornada de represión a manos de los militares

En Myanmar, las fuerzas de seguridad abrieron fuego nuevamente contra los manifestantes que hace más ...View More

Several killed in fresh Myanmar protests as junta represses online dissent

Myanmar security forces opened fire on pro-democracy protests on Saturday killing at least five peop ...View More

UN Security Council 'strongly' condemns Myanmar violence, civilian deaths

The #UN Security Council on Thursday "strongly condemned" the deaths of hundreds of civilians in #My ...View More

Myanmar junta orders shutdown of wireless internet services

Myanmar's #military junta has ordered #internet service providers to shut down the country's wireles ...View More

UN Security Council to meet Wednesday on Myanmar

Britain has called for an emergency #UN #SecurityCouncil meeting on the situation in #Myanmar, where ...View More

Pese a la brutalidad policial, los manifestantes desafían al miedo en Myanmar

La campaña de desobediencia, a la que se han unido sectores dispares de la sociedad desde monjes bud ...View More

A recipe for civil war in Myanmar?

A recipe for civil war? As ethnic armed groups in #Myanmar unite against the military junta, Former  ...View More

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